That Plan should:
- Identify what risks your business faces;
- State what you have done to minimise the risk, in so far as is “reasonable practicable”.
The Plan should be reviewed regularly and updated particularly if any H&S issues arise.
If you’re aware of a risk, but do nothing about it, then you could face a penalty – whether or not someone is hurt as a result of that risk.
If you’re aware of a risk, and manage that risk so far as reasonably practicable and someone is still hurt or harmed, then you won’t face penalty.
Will WorkSafe prosecute if there’s an incident?
WorkSafe considers many factors before deciding that, if any, enforcement action is appropriate. These can include:
- The level of harm;
- The knowledge both you and your industry have about the risk;
- What options you had to manage the risk;
- What you did about the risk;
- Whether it was a one-off incident or part of a series of issues
Final Tip
Talk with your employees about H&S issues.
Get them involved and foster a H&S culture in your work place.
Author: Peter Forrest